Climate CHIP Publications

The 'Hothaps' programme for assessing climate change impacts on occupational health and productivity: an invitation to carry out field studies

Kjellstrom T, Gabrysch S, Lemke B, & Dear K

The ‘high occupational temperature health and productivity suppression’ programme (Hothaps) is a multicentre health research and prevention programme aimed at quantifying the extent to which working people are affected by, or adapt to, heat exposure while working, and how global heating during climate change may increase such effects. The programme will produce essential new evidence for local, national and global assessment of negative impacts of climate change that have largely been overlooked.

Global climate change and health -- a new theme for research in environmental medicine.

Kjellstrom T

Foreword This report is the result of an assignment that the Swedish Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) gave Professor Tord Kjellstrom towards the end of 2008. The task was to assemble in a broad manner the knowledge available concerning health effects of the global climate change and the research questions that are of importance for future research in Sweden concerning these health effects. The report is part of the Institute´s efforts to develop a strategy for its engagement regarding

Climate change, direct heat exposure, health and well-being in low and middle-income countries

Kjellstrom T.

Climate change and health has been given increasing attention during recent years, largely initiated and triggered by the insightful report by McMichael and colleagues published a decade ago. Until then research on, and analysis of, the impacts of climate change had focussed on environmental change and impacts on ecosystems.

Climate change and health: impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation

Kjellstrom T, Weaver HJ

Global climate change is progressing and health impacts have been observed in a number of countries, including Australia. The main health impacts will be due to direct heat exposure, extreme weather, air pollution, reduced local food production, food- and vectorborne infectious diseases and mental stress. The issue is one of major public health importance. Adaptation to reduce the effects of climate change involves many different sectors to minimise negative health outcomes. Wide-scale mitigation is also required, in order to reduce the effects of climate change.

The “Hothaps” program for assessment of climate change impacts on occupational health and productivity: An invitation to carry out field studies

Kjellstrom T, Gabrysch S, Lemke B, Dear K

The “high occupational temperature health and productivity suppression” programme (Hothaps) is a multi-centre health research and prevention programme aimed at quantifying the extent to which working people are affected by, or adapt to, heat exposure while working, and how global heating during climate change may increase such effects. The programme will produce essential new evidence for local, national and global assessment of negative impacts of climate change that have largely been overlooked.

Workplace heat stress, health and productivity – an increasing challenge for low and middle income countries during climate change.

Tord Kjellstrom, Ingvar Holmer, Bruno Lemke

Background: Global climate change is already increasing the average temperature and direct heat exposure in many places around the world. Objectives: To assess the potential impact on occupational health and work capacity for people exposed at work to increasing heat due to climate change. Design: A brief review of basic thermal physiology mechanisms, occupational heat exposure guidelines and heat exposure changes in selected cities.